Privacy statement

User Privacy Statement

This privacy statement should be read together with the ‘Terms and Conditions’ as well as the ‘Terms of Service’ on our website and the three instruments should be construed as one whole. 

We collect, store and process information and data which relates to the users of our website and of our services. 


Admin” means representative of Questgis authorised to act as an administrator of our website.

Agent” means a representative authorised to act in place of another person as provided under The Law of Agency.

Claim” means any dispute, suit, legal action, or legal proceeding.

Client” means a person who intends to or who already has procured our services.

Data” includes personally identifiable information which you give us to process.

Disclaimer” means a repudiation of another’s legal right or claim.

GIS (G.I.S)” means Geographic Information System.

O.S” means Operating System.

Party” means either a Client, a Pro, a person who visits our website, or a member of staff of Questgis.

Pro” means either a licensed/accredited land surveyor who is qualified as such under the relevant laws (or their agent) or a G.I.S Service-Provider.

Project” means work to be undertaken by a G.I.S Service-Provider or by a licensed land surveyor (or their authorised agent) at the request of a Client.   

Proxy” means a person who is authorized to act as a substitute for another.

Questgis” (and “we”, “us” or “our”) means this URL (, and where the context so permits, it may also refer to Equest Mapping (EA) [a Kenyan firm] and/or Equest Mapping Limited [a Rwandese Company]. It may also refer to the party capable of suing on behalf of the operators of, whenever a cause of action arises in favour of the said URL.

“Services” means any services that we offer, including to persons who visit our website.

User” means a person who has successfully created a user account on Questgis. 

User Privacy Statement” is the legal document by the same name on this URL , which states how we collect, handle and process data from our Clients, Pros and other persons who visit our website.

You” or “Your” means Clients and/or Pros and/or any other persons who visit Questgis.

                                            1. Background (Whereas)

1.      We are Equest Mapping (EA) [a Kenyan firm] and Equest Mapping Limited [a Rwandese Company] (“we”, “us” or “Questgis”). 

2.      This Privacy Statement contains details of the way we collect, store, use, and process data concerning you. As a User of our website (whether you use our services via your employer, via another company or otherwise) you are legallybound by this Privacy Statement. 

3.      The device you choose to use while accessing our services and the nature of services you receive is immaterial; you remain legally-bound by this  Privacy Statement in any case.

            2. DATA COLLECTION

1.      We may ask you to provide data and/or information about yourself depending on the services you intend to use.

2.      If you create a User account with us, we may require you to give us your password, the entity you work for, your telephone number contacts (mobile and/or landline), your email address, a username, your address, your name, and any other data which in our view is relevant to the Services you require. Colleagues, agents, proxies or other third parties may provide such data on your behalf. We may require you to provide additional information or data occasionally. 

3.      We will ask you to provide payment data so as to enable us to process your payments. 

4.      In your interactions with our support staff, we will ask you to provide any information or data that will help us classify your question so as to give an appropriate response.  Such data is helpful to us since it enables us to identify possible issues with the services we provide and then tailor our responses to ensure that we serve you better.

5.      You hereby authorise us to collect data concerning you whenever you use any of the services we provide. For example, whenever you log into your User account, we will collect information and data concerning: what content you viewed, how many times you have used our services, and other relevant data regarding how you interacted with the services we offer. You also authorise us to collect data regarding the way you interact with messages sent from us to you; for instance, whether you viewed the contents of an email or opened an in-app message.

6.      We collect data relating to the device used to access our Services. This includes: the name of your mobile carrier or ISP, your mobile O.S, your O.S details, your mobile device identifier and web browser. In addition, we can choose to collect data relating to your location (in case your device allows this).


1.      The act of processing data relating to you is founded upon: the fact that you have given us the consent to do so; the need to process your data in order to comply with a relevant law (for instance, where a regulatory body may require us to do so); or the need to perform a contract (for instance, to process your login credentials thus giving you access to our Services).

2.      We use the information, content and data which you give us to offer highquality Services to you. We also use such information to carry out research aimed at developing and improving our Services so that you can enjoy a better experience while using our website.

3.      You hereby authorise us to use your data to communicate with you via email, in writing, or any other channel (such as instant messaging apps or softwares). You also authorise us to send you transactional messages; for example, a welcome message or a notification of planned downtime. In addition, we may also communicate messages advertising certain products or services to you. You may receive such advertisements (even if you have not created a user account with us) if you imply or suggest that you wish to get such advertisements. Regarding advertisements and marketing content, you can choose not to receive future advertisements in the emails we send to you (at the footer). However, concerning transactional messages, you do not have a choice to bar us from sending such messages.


1.      We will disclose data about you to other legal entities affiliated to us whenever it is necessary and reasonable to do so. This may help us to provide better services to you.

2.      We will also disclose certain data concerning you to chosen third parties. Such parties may include: suppliers, sub-contractors or our business partners. You also authorise us to disclose your data to search engine providers or data analysts who may help us to optimise our website.

3.      You also authorise us to share your data with certain third parties. For instance, in case we merge with another business we will share your data with the business which we merge with. Also, if our business is acquired by another company or other undertaking, we may transfer your data to such an undertaking along with our assets.


1.      If there is a reasonable need for us to retain your data (with a view to providing better services to you) we will do so. After you stop using our services, we will endeavour to keep your data anonymous within a reasonable timeframe.

2.      You authorise us to convey your data to, or store it in a State which is not your own. We do not guarantee that such a State will have a data protection regime which is as strong or effective as that in your Country. If we convey your data outside of your country, we will endeavour (as much as is reasonable) to ensure that your private information is handled in a way that safeguards data security.

3.      We strive to ensure that your data is kept safe through various control measures such as encryption technology that is of adequate quality.


1.      The law empowers you to: -

a)      Ask for access to your data.

b)      Request that your data be brought up to date, deleted or amended.

c)      Reasonably restrain us from continued use of your data.

d)      Withdraw the consent given to us to process your data.

e)      Ask us to share with you some of the data you have given us previously.

2.      To effect any of the rights mentioned above, contact us at



1. We may be required by the relevant authorities to retain certain data so as to be compliant with the law or to be able to provide financial reports. In such cases, we will not delete data which is relevant in that respect. 


1. The Law of Kenya (including the general rules of international law forming part of the law of Kenya as well as the treaties and conventions ratified by Kenya) shall govern this agreement. Any claims or non-contractual disputes related to this agreement shall be governed by the Law of Kenya. Kenyan Courts retain exclusive jurisdiction over our relations as parties to this agreement.


1.      Any Clause in this Terms of Service may be unilaterally amended by us at any moment, without notice. Ensure you read our User Privacy Statement regularly to keep yourself familiar with the most recent version.

2.      If you continue using after an amendment to the User Privacy Statement, it will be presumed that you have agreed to any such amendments.