Client side How to post a project?

These are the steps you have to follow before posting your project on

1. Create account as client.

2. Confirm your email address via the link will be sent to your provided email.

3. Click Sign in and fill in your email and password

4. Once you successfully logged in your account, click on project menu, under project menu there is sub menu named post project.

5. Fill the required information on form then submit it.

After submitting your project, our team we will be in touch with you.

Questgis PRO How to search a project s?

Steps you can follow :

1. Create account as Questgis pro

2. Confirm your email and wait for admin to confirm your account, when your account is confirmed, you will be notified via email.

3. When your account is confirmed, click sign in

4. When you are successfully logged in account, click on look for projects menu.

5. You will see the list of GIS Solutions and Land survey Solutions with number of active project corresponding to each category.

6. Check any Category you want, all projects under checked categories will be listed on your right side.

7. All details related to any project will be displayed and when you are interested, click submit proposal.

8. Fill the required field, then submit your proposal.

After Submitting your proposal, we will analyze your proposal and let you for any update related to your proposal.

How to become a questgis pro ?

Steps you can follow :

1.  Click + Questgis pro menu.

2. Fill in all information then click register button. 

3. Confirm your email  via the link that will be sent to your provided email during registration ( Check inbox or junk/spam folder).

and wait for admin to confirm your account, when your account is confirmed, you will be notified via email.

3. After confirming your email address, you will wait for admin to confirm you account. 

Now, you became questgis pro.

Africas leading market place for GIS & land survey services
